Τρίτη 5 Ιουνίου 2012

Greek stuffed eggplant-Imam Baildi

Learn how to make thw famous Imam Baildi 


Imam Baildi is a dish of Turkish origin but is now also considered as a Greek dish. Aubergine, also known as eggplant is the main ingredient of the dish. The name of the recipe translates as imam fainted'. Its name comes from the myth that when the dish was first served, the leader enjoyed it so much that he fainted with delight after eating it.

4 large plump aubergines
2 large fresh tomatoes
2 small cloves of garlic
1 large onion
Oregano and basil (dried or fresh)
Salt and pepper
One teaspoon of tomato puree (optional)
First, make a slit lengthwise in the middle of the aubergine, not all the way, just enough so that you can open them up and lay them flat like an open book. Then, cut away some of the inside, leaving an inch and a half of aubergine flesh from the skin. Put them in a large baking pan, add a little olive oil, just to cover the base and stop them from sticking to the pan. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
Take the insides that you cut away earlier and chop them up into small cubes. Chop up the 2 large tomatoes, garlic and onion. Put 3 large tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan, add the chopped ingredients and saut until the juices mix together and the vegetables are tender. Add a pinch of salt, pepper, basil and oregano. The amount of seasoning or herbs you add depends on your individual taste, use your own discretion. Some recipes call for a little ground coriander. Only add this spice if you prefer a stronger flavour to your dish.
Now, using a fork open up the baked aubergine and spoon the sauted vegetable mixture onto the inside of each one, stuffing the opening you cut out earlier. Close them up once you are done and lay them whole in a deep dish. There will be juices from both the pan that you baked them in earlier and the frying pan that you sauted the vegetable stuffing in. Combine these two liquids and pour them into the deep dish of aubergines, letting all the flavours soak together and blend. If you like a little bit more of a tangy taste, then add a teaspoon of tomato puree to the mixed liquid.
Imam Baildi is surprisingly delicious and is an excellent dish for anyone to enjoy. It can be served hot from the pan or cold from the fridge. In fact, the more you let it soak in its juices, the more delectable the dish becomes. It has been said that when looking at the dish from a bird's eye view, the aubergines look like hippopotami basking and wading in a pool of cloudy water!


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